Local Governance

"Working together to achieve academic excellence and personal potential."

The Governing body's role is to support and challenge the senior leadership of Orchards Academy. The Governing body ensures that the school is continually reflecting on and improving its practice in order to create a learning environment in which all pupils can achieve the best possible outcomes. 

At Orchards Academy, the Governing body is made up of:
  • 1 Headteacher (Ex Officio)
  • 1 Staff Governor
  • 2 Parent Governors 
  • 8 Appointed Governors (currently 2 vacancies)
The Governing body derives its oversight responsibilities from the TKAT Scheme of Delegation. We operate a link Governor model where Governors with specific interests and skills can apply these through special oversight roles such as Pupil Premium and ACE. 
Chair of Governors: Dick Brown
Vice Chair of Governors: Georgia Jaddoo
Name Type Term of Office Responsibility Declaration of Interest including transactions to 31 August 2024 Attendance 23-24

Dick Brown

Chair of Governors

Start date: 01/09/22

Current term: 01/09/22 - 31/08/26

  • Chair
  • Health & Safety
Nil return 83%
Andy Lazenby Ex-Officio Headteacher


Start date: 01/09/21

  • Headteacher
Governor at Kemnal Technology College since 1st October 2024 83%
Philip Cooper Appointed

Start date: 01/09/08

Current term: 14/11/24 - 13/11/28

  • Pupil Premium/ ACE
  • Enrichment
Nil return 100%
Carlos Hood Appointed

Start date: 01/09/10

Current term: 31/08/22 - 31/08/26

  • Pupil Premium/ ACE
  • Enrichment
Nil return 100%
Mark Walden Appointed

Start date: 30/11/14

Current term: 17/11/22 - 16/11/26

  • Health & Safety
  • Teaching & Learning
Nil return 66%
Georgia Jaddoo


Vice Chair of Governors

Start date: 22/09/22

Current term: 22/09/22 - 21/09/26

  • SEN
  • Wellbeing & Mental Health
Nil return 100%
Hannah Weeden Staff Governor - Orchards

Start date: 03/02/23

Current term: 03/02/23 - 02/02/27

  Employed by Orchards since July 2016 100%
Kelle Akala Parent Governor

Start date: 04/03/24

Current term: 04/03/24 - 03/03/28

  • Attendance
  • Reading
Academy Governor term of office position 50%
Layla Richards Parent Governor

Start date: 04/03/24

Current term: 04/03/24 - 03/03/28

  • Safeguarding
Nil return 100%
Carol Thomas Clerk to the Governors Start date: February 2016   Works as a Clerk across other TKAT schools 100%

If you wish to contact Governors, please do so via the Headteacher's PA/ School Secretary by emailing enquiries@orchards-tkat.org.


Orchards Academy provides a learning environment that opens up a world of opportunities and takes pupils on a journey to discover and challenge their thinking. As a governing body, we aspire to ignite a passion for lifelong learning; we do this through:
  • Developing great thinkers who embrace challenges
  • Promoting curiosity, enthusiasm and independence
  • Providing opportunities for all pupils to develop skills, knowledge and an understanding of how they can become life-long learners
  • Challenging and pursuing excellence through a creative and inclusive curriculum
  • Providing a learning environment where all can grow, achieve and aspire within a safe and caring atmosphere of teamwork, support and cooperation
  • Value everyone as an individual and encourage respect for others
  • Create confident, independent individuals who take responsibility for their actions and understand their role in our community and the world they share with everybody supporting the leadership of the school in providing a safe, stimulating and caring environment where all students can realise their full potential

The Governing body recognises and will harness the strengths and talents of all pupils to enable them to reach their full potential as rounded individuals. We will work with staff, parents, families and the local and broader community to ignite children's curiosity and encourage a love for learning.


Name Type Term of Office Responsibility Declaration of Interest including transactions to 31 August 2024 Attendance 23-24
David Moss Appointed

Start date: 29/04/21

Term: 31/08/22 - 31/08/26

Resignation date: 25/10/24

  Permanently employed position at TKAT 50%
Louise Walsh Appointed

Start date: 18/09/23

Term: 18/09/23 - 17/09/27

Resignation date: 27/11/24

  • Careers
  • Finance
I hold a directorship, partnership and/or other employment with a business 66%