Our curriculum is characterised by a high quality knowledge rich education, including the cultural capital that will help them realise their ambitions in school and beyond.
We teach all the different elements of English through a spiralised curriculum that builds on prior learning and students to think critically in opinion, analysis and argument. Our thematic curriculum is ambitious and challenging, interleaving analytical and structural skills throughout a variety of media and contexts.
Our spiralised structure combines learning in key genres combined with reinforcing literacy skills and experiencing a range of reading texts.This enables our students to gain, recall and apply their learning to new and more challenging work as they progress throughout the key stages. Our intent is also for students to become articulate and confident public speakers, ones that are ready for the rigours of interview in a modern day society.
The curriculum in Years 10 and 11 is focused on securing the best outcomes for our students. by continuing with a thematic scheme, one that is interleaved intelligently with elements of poetry and creative writing, so that skills are developed in a variety of contexts.
Students are given ample opportunity to reflect on how they can improve on previous work, with factored time for implementing redraft and reflection on key skills within the subject.