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Here at Orchards Academy we invest heavily in pastoral care. There are a wide variety of support mechanisms in place. ​

The Harvey Centre is our Pastoral Support Hub.

All students have access to this provision on a drop-in basis every day between 8.15 and 8.30am before school and 3.00 and 4.15pm after school. Pasotoral staff are on hand to support students throughout this time with any worries or concerns they may have.

Orchards Academy works tirelessly to support any student who is unhappy and experiences any form of unkindness or bullying.

Anti-Bullying Ambassadors

We have a team of Anti-Bullying Ambassadors who have been trained by The Diana Awards. The Diana Awards offers informative and interactive anti-bullying training days to young people and staff in primary and secondary schools. Our Anti-Bullying Ambassadors are on hand in our Anti-Bullying room for all students to report any concerns or incidents, seek advice or share ideas. 

Our Anti-Bullying room is located on the bo

Anti-Bullying Room

Every lunchtime we open our Anti-Bullying room, which is located on the bottom floor of the English block, where trained staff members and our Anti-Bullying Ambassadors are on hand to support students with any concerns. 

Anti-Bullying Email

We have a dedicated anti-bullying email address for use by all students and parents. We encourage all concerns to be reported this way so that trained staff can traige these reports and ensure they are dealt with swiftly. The email address is anti-bullying@orchards-tkat.org or you can use the link below:

Report a bullying concern

Anti bullying email

All members of our Senior Leadership Team are on duty from 8.15am at the start of the school day, during break and lunchtimes and then again at the end of the school day. 

We recognise that some students may wish to access their social times in a different environment and the library is open each day at break and lunch times for these students. 

All students have a 5 Point Scale in their planner which is designed to support children with self-regulation.

Students are supported with writing their bespoke 5 Point Scale to support their individual needs. Students can ask their teachers to use their 5 Point Scales when they feel that they need to. 



Form Tutors have the privilege of seeing your child every day. 

Often, mintor pastoral issues such as friendship fallouts, lesson worries and general concerns can be addressed most quickly and effectively by your child's Form Tutor. They are often best placed to address concerns and worries and to answer parents' questions.