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Our curriculum is ambitious, fostering a love of study through exciting and interesting learning experiences which challenge students to be independent, inquisitive, community minded historians.
Our curriculum allows students to have a greater understanding of the world around them and how the range of factors dovetail with each other. From religion to monarchs to key individuals and communities our curriculum ensures our students find a greater semblance with their place in the world. Our students are challenged to know more and remember more. This is done through quality first teaching that is steeped in pedagogy, reinforcing the schools pedagogical model. Topics have been sequenced so that knowledge acquired is underpinned by previous knowledge and foreshadows future learning.
Our students will systematically demonstrate what they know but also how to demonstrate disciplinary skills from the question stems set by the exam board.
Through our curriculum, students' learning journey secures knowledge over time developing understanding whilst adapting to needs of our learners allowing our students to demonstrate what they have learnt. To reinforce the complex second order concepts in history, we spiralise through skills allowing complex ideas to be revisited across time periods and case studies so pupils can constantly reapply their disciplinary knowledge to new scenarios, building on the previous learning.